Architecte DE HMONP

French born in Shizuoka, Japan, working across architecture, design and art.

I am inspired by the feeling of alienation from our physical environment as a symptom of a disaster that has already happened with consequences yet to be lived. Our physical environment is made abstract by complex global processes and materials with shaky, ever changing meanings. At the same time, the environmental impacts of our production model have delayed but physical effects on day to day life.

This uncomfortable feeling of disconnection and disorientation has led me to a therapeutic process of sourcing ubiquitous materials in my immediate vicinity. Materials are subsequently assembled into fragile structures suggesting dependence, degradation and vitality. The repetition of this process, from collection to assembly reveals larger cycles such as seasons and memory within a specific locality.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to collaborate.


Website co-created with Camille Picard